Proven Taxpayer Champion
We did the first Full Time Equivalent Analysis in 2022- TASB conducted the analysis and found that we were 187 people over staffed. We began working to rectify that situation. In 2023 we did another FTE that was done by Moak Casey; where they reconfirmed what TASB findings were. Thankfully, 2 years ago we began dealing with the mismanagement of our school finances that had occurred for decades.
We still have work to do. We have more to accomplish. By letting go of “good” allows us to be open to “great”! This has proven itself just 3 years later. We are ahead of the game and surrounding areas because we were able to make the hard decisions 3 years ago.
We did this while also providing THREE Back-to-Back Tax cuts.

" We need sound budgeting, just like you manage your finances at home; our district should do the same."
We have a bond that will be on May election. It is a bare bones bond that the community was heavily involved in. We are being mindful of the stakeholder and using our money wisely.
"GCISD is my special interest."